Morton’s BMW High Milers

We are honored to have so many high mileage BMW riders among our customers. Some of them are pictured below.

At the completion of each 100,000 miles ridden on BMWs, we are pleased to present a special award and certificate to the rider. If you qualify for this distinction, stop by with records of your motorcycles, the VIN for each, and the mileage you’ve put on them. If you bought the bike here and/or had it serviced here, we can help look that up for you.

Once we have the documentation, we’ll submit the claim and present the award to you when it arrives from BMW.

1,700,000 Miles Award Winners


There is only one — David Swisher stands alone, as usual, atop the mileage rankings. Now with more than 1.7 million miles under his belt, David continues to ride, though not quite as much as in previous years. He recently switched to a Can-Am Spyder, so we’re likely to be at the end of his record-setting BMW miles.

Pictured at our special High Milers dinner award celebration are (left to right) Jeff Massey, David Swisher with his wife Mary and their son Jim, Laurence Kuykendall, formerly of BMW Motorrad USA, and BMW MOA secretary and board member Muriel Farrington. Muriel presented David with the MOA’s 1.7 million mile award, as well.

1,600,000 Miles Award Winners



David Swisher has done it again! He is now the proud holder of a 1.6 million miles award from BMW. David is shown here with his son Jim, his wife Mary, and Morton’s BMW owner Jeff Massey. David is still going strong, and we look forward to presenting him his next award — 1.7 million miles — in the near future.

1,500,000 Miles Award Winners

David Swisher 1.5 million miles award winner

David “Million Mile” Swisher accepts his 1.5 million miles award in December 2009 from Laurence Kuykendall of BMW Motorrad USA as Morton’s BMW owner Jeff Massey looks on. David had been sidelined by some surgery, and we surprised him at his 80th birthday celebration. Laurence was kind enough to come all the way from corporate headquarters in New Jersey to honor the man for whom BMW’s million mile award is named. David is also a recipient of the Icon Award, BMW’s highest honor.

1,000,000 Miles Award Winners

Lyle Grimes 1 million miles award winner

Lyle Grimes, a good friend of David Swisher, receives his 1 million miles award from Jeff Massey. We are sorry to report that Lyle passed away on Sunday, August 9, 2009. He was a longtime BMW MOA member and a friend to many, many riders.

500,000 Miles Award Winners

David Taylor
Our latest half-a-million-miles rider is David Taylor, who arrived on his R 1200 GS Adventure to pick up his award from Jeff Massey.

Joining the very exclusive 500K crowd is Chauncey Seefeldt, a long time customer and friend of Morton’s BMW. He’s shown here receiving his award from Jeff Massey.

Tim Halpin
Tim Halpin receives his 500,000 mile award from Jeff Massey and with his family surrounding him. Tim is sitting on a K 1200 LT he rode for more than 282,000 miles. Tragically, Tim passed away just a week after receiving his 500K award.

Sam Row
Sam Row accepts his 500,000 mile award from his brother-in-law, Morton’s BMW owner Jeff Massey.

400,000 Miles Award Winners

Mike Dewey
Mike Dewey picks up his 400,000 mile award from Jeff Massey.

Jeff Munn
Jeff Munn accepts his 400,000 mile award from Morton’s BMW owner Jeff Massey at the high miler dinner.

Joe Grant
Joe Grant picks up his 400K award from Jeff Massey at a Morton’s BMW open house.

Terry Caffery
Terry Caffery picks up his 400K award at the awards dinner.

Steve Anderson
Morton’s BMW sales & marketing manager Steve Anderson gets his 400,000 mile award from Jeff Massey at the awards banquet.

Gary Stipe receives his 400,000 mile award from Steve Anderson. Gary actually earned his award a couple of years ago, but is just now — as he approaches 500K — picking it up.

Tim Halpin
Jeff Massey presents the 400,000 mile award to Tim Halpin, who accumulated his miles on a variety of BMWs, including a sidecar rig and his current K 1200 LT, which has close to 250,000 miles on it.

Jon Knight receives his 400,000 mile award from Jeff Massey at the 2012 Oktoberfest open house.

Sam Row picks up his 400K miles award at the 2012 Oktoberfest open house.

300,000 Miles Award Winners

Ken Eichhorst
Ken Eichhorst receives his 300,000 mile award from Jeff Massey.

Jeffrey Willis
Jeffrey “Steve” Willis receives his 300K award at the Morton’s BMW high miler dinner.

John Knox
John Knox marks 300,000 miles riding BMWs.

Bruce Parsell
Bruce Parsell receives his 300K award from Jeff & Hannah Massey.

Boyce Williamson
Boyce “Spike” Williamson, Jr, picks up his 300,000 mile award.

Jonathan Knight picks up his 300K award from Jeff Massey.

Doug Teague
Doug Teague receives his 300K award after surviving his first-ever deer strike. His RT survived, too!

Tim Halpin
Tim Halpin with Jeff Massey and his 300,000 mile award.

Steve Anderson
Morton’s BMW sales manager Steve Anderson gets his 300K mileage award from Morton’s owner Jeff Massey.

Frank Hallman
Richmond’s Frank Hallman receives his 300,000 miles award from Jeff Massey.

Red Sciarra
Red Sciarra picks up his 300,000 mile award with the help of his grandson Jordan Burch.

Lew Nalls
Lew Nalls accepts his 300,000 miles award from Jeff Massey

200,000 Miles Award Winners

Jim Swisher
Jim Swisher, son of legendary high miler David Swisher, follows in his father’s tire tracks to pick up his 200,000 mile award.

Bruce Anker
Bruce Anker picks up his 200,000 mile award from Jeff Massey.


Al Schuler receives his 200K award from Jeff Massey.

Steve Simpson picks up his 200,000 certificate from Jeff Massey at the high miler dinner.

200000 miles (5)
Kirsten Talken-Spaulding, a veteran of the Iron Butt Rally and numerous endurance rides, picks up her 200K award from sales manager Steve Anderson and dealer principal Jeff Massey.

Rick Povich, a Pennsylvania K 1200 LT rider and friend of Morton’s BMW, picks up his 200K award from sales manager Steve Anderson.

Randy Shrader
Randy Shrader receives his 200K mile award from Jeff Massey.

200000 miles (8)
Jon Knight celebrates the 200,000 mile mark with Jeff Massey.

Bruce Parsell
Bruce Parsell picks up his 200K award from Jeff Massey.

200000 miles (10)
Bob Patton received his 200K award at the 2012 Spring Fling Rally.

Tim Halpin
Tim Halpin receives his 200K award.

Billy Gwin
Billy Gwin receives his 200K award from Jeff Massey.

Shepard Brown
Shepard Brown came all the way up from Alabama to pick up his 200K mileage award from Jeff Massey.

Don Graling
Former Morton’s BMW salesman Don Graling receives his 200,000 miles award from Jeff Massey.

Tim Thomasson
Tim Thomasson gets his 200K award from Jeff Massey.

Ken Eichhorst
Ken Eichhorst receives his 200,000 miles certificate and medallion from Jeff Massey.

Phil Ager
Phil Ager gets his 200,000 miles awards from Jeff Massey.

Bruce Shrader
Bruce Shrader receives his 200,000 miles certificate from Jeff Massey. His 100K award picture is below.

200000 miles (19)
Richmond’s Bob Altic, Jr, picks up his 200K award.

Roger Sinclair
Roger Sinclair picks up his 200K award from sales & marketing manager Steve Anderson.

Doug Teague
Doug Teague, fresh from a motorcycle tour of India, gets his 200K award from Jeff Massey.

200000 miles (22)
John Knox receives his 200K award from Jeff Massey.

Merle Jacobsen
Merle Jacobsen, former motorcycle columnist for The Washington Times, receives his 200K miles award from Jeff Massey.

Spike Williamson
Spike Williamson gets his 200K award from Morton’s BMW parts manager Patrick Crawley.

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Anton Largiader picks up his 200K award at our old store.

100,000 Miles Award Winners

100000 Miles (1)
Bruce Beisner accepts his 100K award from Jeff Massey.

Homer Brockner (left) of Columbia, LA, shows off his 100K award. Homer is an Iron Butt Association member whose local dealer closed its doors shortly before he qualified for the award. He asked IBA head honcho Mike Kneebone if he had any ideas, and Mike put him in touch with Morton’s BMW sales manager and fellow IBA member Steve Anderson, who arranged for the award.

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Stuart Halpert picks up his 100K award from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (4)
Joining our High Miler ranks is Timothy Gerling, who picked up his 100,000 mile award from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (5)
Scott Lamorte receives his 100K award from Jeff Massey.

Christina Venters, who competes often in Iron Butt Association rides, marked her first 100K at the awards dinner.

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Dana Beisner, aka the queen of BaseCamp, picks up her 100,000 mile award from Jeff Massey.

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Ed Jarvis, whose riding has been hampered by duty overseas, nevertheless reached the 100,000 mark at the awards dinner.

Karen Ager picked up her 100K certificate at the Morton’s BMW high miler dinner in March.

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At the high miler dinner, Steve Simpson received his 100K award.

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Stephen Jacobson picks up his 100K award at the high miler dinner.

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Alex Bilter Jr gets his award from Jeff Massey. Jeff used two BMWs to qualify, but he’s done more than 100,000 on his R 1200 RT.

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Hugh Burks gets his award for 100,000 miles, all done on a 2007 R 1200 RT. Hugh now has a 2014 RT and is heading towards 200K.

Allen Hatcher picks up an award for his first 100,000 miles, all done on a 2003 K1200LT.

100000 Miles (15)
Dave Angel gets his 100K award from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (16)
Terry Barnes receives his 100,000 mile award before the crowd at the 2013 Spring Fling Rally at Natural Bridge, Virginia.

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Bruce Parsell receives his 100,000 mile award from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (18)
Clay Voigt receives his award after putting 100,000 miles on his 2000 R 1100 RT special edition.

100000 Miles (19)
Denny Clark receives his 100,000 miles award for time spent on his R 1100 GS and R 1200 RT.

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Linda Fling receives her 100,000 mile award from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (21)
Michael Jones picks up his award for achieving 100,000 miles, all on his R 1200 RT.

100000 Miles (22)
Chuck Ouellette accepts his 100,000 mile award from Jeff Massey at the 2012 Oktoberfest open house.

100000 Miles (23)
Marcus Ovando gets his 100K award from Morton’s owner Jeff Massey at the 2012 Oktoberfest.

100000 Miles (24)
Morton’s BMW certified technician Karl Verden receives his 100K mileage award from Jeff Massey. All the miles were put on his a 2004 R 1150 R.

100000 Miles (25)
Joyce Knox receives her award after riding a G 650 GS single cylinder BMW more than 100,000 miles to earn her certificate.

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teve Mattos picks up his award for 100,000 miles done solely on his K 1200 LT.

100000 Miles (27)
Buddy Lee accepts his 100K mileage award after covering almost 125,000 miles on his 2002 R 1150 RT.

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Bruce Watkins receives his 100K award at the 2012 spring open house.

100000 Miles (29)
Jeff Massey presents Tim Halpin with a 100,000 mile award.

Henrico County Police Officer Robert Bates collects his 100K award from Jeff Massey. Officer Bates accumulated all of his 100,000 miles on duty on his BMW RT-Ps.

100000 Miles (31)
John Lintner is rewarded for recording over 100,000 miles on his 2004 R 1150 R.

Holley Victor picks up her 100K award from Jeff Massey at Oktoberfest 2011.

Loftus Hitchins, founding member of the Bullwinkle Death Riders, also got his 100K award at Oktoberfest.

100000 Miles (34)
Richmond’s Charles Peters, Jr. accepts his 100K award from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (35)
Garland Westmoreland picks up his 100K award from sales manager Steve Anderson.

Posing behind his pristine 1984 R65, Mark Byers celebrates his 100K miles award with his wife Betsy (left) and their friends, Larry and Susan Segeleon.

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Catherine Wylie accepts her 100K award — all the miles were on her 2001 R 1200 C — from Jeff Massey and Dewey Keeton, the technician who keeps her baby running.

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Daniel Martin picks up his 100K award from Jeff Massey

100000 Miles (39)
Bill Kincaid receives honors for his 100K miles, all but 12K on RT models.

100000 Miles (40)
Nancy Stutsman picks up her 100K miles award from Jeff Massey

100000 Miles (41)
Ed Horton receives his 100K award from Jeff Massey. Ed put more than 100,000 miles on a K75 before buying a new R 1200 RT.

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Edgardo Chavez picks up his 100K award from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (43)
Iron Butt Association member and Washington Nationals fan Bob McCarthy receives his 100K miles award from Jeff Massey.

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Dennis Coyle picks up his 100K miles accolades from Jeff Massey.

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Bruce Shrader receives his 100,000 miles certificate from Jeff Massey.

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Randy Shrader picks up his 100K miles award from Jeff soon after a trip to Alaska.

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Bruce Anker gets his 100K award from Jeff Massey. Bruce is a tour guide for MotoDiscovery, and many of his miles have been ridden in Mexico and overseas.

100000 Miles (48)
Jay Huston (center) gets his 100K award from Laurence Kuykendall, Community & Communications Manager for BMW Motorrad USA, and Jeff Massey during a Morton’s BMW open house.

100000 Miles (49)
George Clotfelter picks up his 100K goodies from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (50)
Jim Swisher, whose father David sets the standard for all the rest of us, starts his own legacy with a 100K award from Jeff Massey.

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Karl Rosenbaum gets his 100K medallion and certificate from Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (52)
Al Schuler receives his 100K mileage award from Jeff Massey.

Tim Tolson picks up his 100,000 mile award from Morton’s BMW owner Jeff Massey.

100000 Miles (53)
Jim Wilson accepts his 100K accolades from Jeff Massey.

Congratulations to these riders for the many miles they have traveled on their BMWs!

We wish them many more happy miles in the saddle.

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